US Islands Awards Program recognizes Scouts from Troop 119 Lexington

Last week, on March 13, 2025, two Scouts from Troop 119 Lexington were recognized by the US Islands Awards Program for being the first to qualify Peddocks Island in Boston Harbor.

K1MKD and KC1UHS and I (W1YTQ) received our awards at Troop 119 Lexington’s Court of Honor.1

About the US Islands Awards Program

USI is an amateur radio award program centered around chasing and activating river, lake, and ocean shore islands within the 50 United States and its Territories and Protectorates.

Numerous achievement awards are available for both island activators and island chasers.

U.S. Islands is a great way to go on a mini-DXpedition without spending a lot of money. Discovering islands in your own backyard and setting up a station outdoors is always a good time. If hams have only operated outdoors during Field Day, we offer another route to get outside and enjoy portable ham radio in a different way.2

Qualifying Peddocks Island for USI

In September 2024 our Scout Troop went camping on Peddocks Island. We set up a radio station and two Scouts with amateur radio call signs, K1MKD and KC1UHS, spent part of their day making radio contacts.

After sharing our radio adventures on Peddocks Island on this site, the US Islands on the Air Awards Manager, NS4J, reached out to let me know that we could complete a USI Island Qualification Form to be recognized by the program as being the first to qualify Peddocks Island.

A screenshot of the documented qualification the Massachusetts island listing page for the program.

Thank you

I’d like to thank NS4Jay and the US Islands Awards Program for reaching out and recognizing two of our Scouts for their interest in and participation in amateur radio.

  1. Per Scouting policy, this photo was used with specific permission from the guardians of the Scouts shown 

  2. This section taken from the US Islands Awards Program website 

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Page last modified: Mar 17 2025.