RandomGram CW Contest

This past Saturday, December 7, 2024, I participated in RandomGram, an amateur radio Morse Code contest where CW operators exchange random character groups assigned to them before the event begins.

Contestants are scored by their ability to accurately send and receive random code groups; this contest emphasizes exchanging accurate information and effective radio operations.

This particular RandomGram event lasted two hours, from 9AM to 11AM Eastern Time, so there was a short time window that we all had to transmit the 10 random codes sent to us and copy (i.e., accurately listen and log) as many other operator’s random groups as we could.

Here’s my station with log sheets during the event. My log sheet has my pre-assigned random groups and you can see that I’m monitoring the Reverse Beacon Network to see how my station’s signal is propagating.

Photo of W1YTQ's radio station with a map showing propagation on a laptop and a half filled out paper log sheet with the RandomGram random groups on it

Here’s my completed log sheet at the end of the two hour event.

Contest results

You can view the results for event #27 here. I was able to accurately transmit all of my assigned random groups. And I accurately received all of the groups sent directly to me in a QSO. If I want to improve my score next time, I’ll want to spend more time during the two hour contest listening to other’s transmissions to copy and log their RandomGram groups.

I enjoyed the format and pace of this contest and intend to continue participating. The format which requires sending random unpracticed messages tested my CW sending and receiving skills and had me operating my radio more intentionally.

I enjoyed the format and pace of this contest and intend to continue participating.

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Page last modified: Dec 8 2024.